Acta Astronauticaに酒井の論文が採択

Acta Astronauticaに酒井大輔(2021年度修士卒)の論文が採択されました.
Sakai, D., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Itaya, Y., and Fukushima, T., Contactless Attitude Control of an Uncooperative Satellite by Laser Ablation, Acta Astronautica.
Daisuke Sakai (Master's degree graduate in 2021) has had his paper accepted in Acta Astronautica.
Sakai, D., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Itaya, Y., and Fukushima, T., Contactless Attitude Control of an Uncooperative Satellite by Laser Ablation, Acta Astronautica.
This research is one of the results of a collaborative study with SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation.