control and estimation
Spacecraft state estimation

We are researching the state estimation of spacecraft using information obtained from optical observations. The state includes not only attitude but also spacecraft shape and optical characteristics of the surface.
keywords: kalman filter, light curve inversion
- Matsushita, Y., et al., Light Curve Analysis and Attitude Estimation of Space Objects Focusing on Glint, 1st International Orbital Debris Conference, Sugar land, USA, 9–12, December 2019.
- Arakawa, R., et al., Attitude Estimation of Space Objects Using Imaging Observations and Deep Learning, Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference, Maui, USA, 17–20, September 2019.
Attitude control of spacecraft with input constraints
We are researching the attitude control of spacecraft with input constraints in the direction of the input. This includes the attitude control problem in cases where there are a limited number of actuators or constraints on the direction of force during missions.

keywords: attitude control, underactuated system
- Kondo, K., Kolmanovsky, I., Yoshimura, Y., Bando, M., Nagasaki, S., & Hanada, T. (2021). Nonlinear model predictive detumbling of small satellites with a single-axis magnetorquer. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 44(6), 1211-1218.
- Sakai, D., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Itaya, Y., & Fukushima, T. (2022). Contactless attitude control of an uncooperative satellite by laser ablation. Acta Astronautica, 196, 275-281.